Cervical osteochondrosis - disease of the cervical spine, accompanied by degenerative and dystrophic processes that occur in the intervertebral discs.
About 80 % of the population complain of pain in the neck. In addition, 30% of headache directly associated with osteochondrosis.
If earlier with this disease are older people, are faced more and more suffering with osteochondrosis of the cervical 20-30-year-old patient today.
The unfavorable causes of the Degeneration of the cervical vertebrae are:
- lack of movement, simply put, low physical activity;
- poor diet;
- long-lasting physical stress;
- Salt deposits;
- a variety of injuries;
- Metabolism, and obesity;
- prolonged sedentary activities (e.g. Computer) without interruption;
- incorrectly organized a place to sleep (mattress, pillows);
- long trips or continuous driving a car.
Also risk factors: hypothermia, cervical spine, heredity, hormonal disorders.
In addition to the development of cervical degenerative disc disease auto disease can contribute immune, such as rheumatism, systemic Lupus erythematosus.
The disease develops slowly, but tends to Progression.
The main symptoms of osteochondrosis of the neck:
- Pain syndrome. This can be considered a small, and so strong pain in the throat area;
- Numbness. In General, it relates to the field of arm, shoulder, shoulder blades, the neck, can also be a feeling of tingling. A characteristic of the crunch in the neck when turning the head;
- Noise and ringing in the ears. Sometimes hearing loss happens hard;
- Migraine and headache, weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs;
- nausea, lack of air. You think you can't breathe, this leads to a lack of oxygen;
- For the visually impaired. Occurs blurred vision, reduced visual acuity, there are so-called "fly" in front of the eyes;
- the instability of the blood pressure. Patients torment high or low blood pressure, the result is dizziness.
In relation to the pain syndrome, the most frequently pursued, he, when turning the head of the patient, or after sleep, with minimal effort on the Hand, cough or sneeze. Pain can sort of "give away" in the back of the head, shoulder and Hand. If you head to the front, then the pain often under the shoulder blade.
A diagnosis of cervical degenerative disease disc, you should see a doctor, orthopedist or neurologist. He leads the investigation and questioning of the patient, refers to x-rays of the cervical spine in multiple projections. In some cases, you may need a magnetic resonance scan, and MRI diagnostics.
Cervical osteochondrosis is in need of a long-term, systematic, and gradual treatment. Preferably, the therapy aims at the elimination of the pain syndrome and the fight against the inflammatory process.
In the early stages of the disease, manual therapy, therapeutic exercise enough. In the advanced medical treatment is necessary.
It is also important that the conditions for the Regeneration of damaged tissues, for these preparations with vitamins of the B group in the Form of injections or tablets.
Take note of the type of work and rest, take care of the comfortable dream, do not lift weights and throw in addictive disorders.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, many believe a pretty insidious disease. Because the cervical vertebrae are close together, the roots at the slightest deformation of the compressed nerves and blood vessels. As a result, impaired cerebral blood flow, resulting in the sequence and leads to headaches, migraines. In advanced cases, it is ischemia of the brain or of the spinal cord, and even stroke.
In the area of risk management and the cardiovascular System. Some people, for years, area, the beat is constantly "observed at the cardiologist because of the pain in the heart" of the high pressure, and the reason lies in the osteochondrosis of the neck.
Also, due to the compression of the nerves of the Patient to listen can suffer, see coordination of movements.
In advanced forms and without proper treatment, the formation of hernias may require, for the treatment of the surgical Intervention.
In older people, cervical osteochondrosis, often deforming arthrosis of the cervical spine combined with osteoarthritis, wear and tear of the spine and other phenomena.
To avoid cervical degenerative disc disease, you have to carry out a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet, regular physical activity. A great role for ensuring the correct Organisation of a workplace, as well as the compliance of work and rest.